Anti Hack Friendster

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Do you believe that it is possible to view your private photo without knowing it or hack your account in friendster? Yes, it is possible. There’s a lot of technique in order to view your private photo even your profile is private.

Of course, we don't want that to happen. So here are the tips in order for your profile to be safe:

1. Do not write in detail the information yourself.

2. Create a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols that are difficult, and not in the dictionary both Indonesian and English languages. Because the cracker have its own dictionary. Example: T0nI! EuGiNeS * ^ ^. or a combination of the other. But make sure not too difficult, so difficult for you to memorize it.

3. Do not use the data as a password, such as the date of birth, place of birth

4. Change the setting “automatically approve comments” or “Approve comment automatically” on page settings to be NEVER or never

5. More secure settings change “Who can leave a comment” or “Who can leave a comment” to “Friends Only” or “just friends”

6. Do not accept / approve Friend Request or comment from people unknown. Do not be tempted with the easy-profile opponent with the kind of images that captivate sham acquaintances want to, because this is the right to steal Friendster account.

7. Do not visit the profile of a stranger because by viewing their profile they can inject malicious script that can steal your private data.

8. The last one, if you have a private album always check this url:

You can see there the user that can access your private photos and you can remove the user if they have access
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