Brittany Favre

Brittany Favre
Brittany Favre. Want to know the latest news about Brittany Favre? There a lot of rumors spreading on the internet today about Brett Brittany Favre. She’s reportedly pregnant according to rumor. What do you think? the gossip is really true or not?

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Although Brett Favre has not yet announced whether or not he will return for a 20th season, if he did it would make him the first grandfather in history to play in the NFL – at least as far as we know.

The news of Brittany Favre’s baby on the way surfaced in a tweet from ESPN Milwaukee journalist Jason Wilde. Larry Fitzgerald Sr. also reported the news of the impending birth in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder.

USA Today reports that Brittany Favre has already given birth to a son and says the news was confirmed to ESPN by Brett Favre himself. We haven’t actually seen an official announcement Favre is a granddaddy yet, but we’re sure it won’t be long now.